Even by stating the concept directly in a minimal work of art, there is no guarantee that the idea will be transmitted regardless of how much in line the work is with the concept.Art is something that includes a good deal of the unspeakable, and allows the expression of things that cannot be said in words.I hope to create a spatial structure through which the meaning in the characters synergizes with the meaning that lies in the surrounding content outside of the characters.
I took a book to be a person, and worked around the idea that the time in a person’s life is limited. The book in which the artist’s lifetime work is compiled, can also be changed into materials for carving. It can be said that adding a different image to an only-character reality, hints at the limit of the actual function of words. By using a book in which the danger associated with these words is compiled into a personal collection, I attempted to bring out an image of the death of time by creating a granular waterfall.
飯田竜太 再帰の終焉
2013.7.9 (tue)~ 8.4 (sun)
12:00~ 19:00
石川県金沢市広坂1-2-32 2F
飯田竜太/Ryuta Iida
1981年静岡県沼津市生まれ。2004年日本大学芸術学部美術科彫刻コース卒業。自ら収集した古書や稀覯本を素材にして、それらの書籍に「彫る」という行為を施し独自の立体作品をつくる手法を確立する。2004年「第22 回グラフィック一坪展」グランプリ受賞。2007年graf media gmにて初個展、2009年「岡本太郎現代芸術賞」入選。2010年は台北のPF gallery にて三人展「手感的妙PART1」やFUBON ART FOUNDATION 主催の「VERY FUN PARK」へ参加。国内ではと艾未未らとともにコム デ ギャルソンのDMシリーズのひとつとして作品が採用される。また『トマス・ピンチョン全小説』の発行に際して処女作「v.」の装画や、荒木飛呂彦責任編集『JOJOmenon /ジョジョメノン』に寄稿した吉本ばなな書き下ろし短編の挿絵なども担当。