2011.03.11, 14:46
Today was a day that I’ll never forget.
What can be seen… a scene that rips through the present. What can’t be seen… a fear that can only be measured in numbers. I think more about the questions – what is a photograph? What does it mean to take a picture? But I know. The answer isn’t found in thinking. I can’t take pictures of the images in my head. Best to stay dazed and take them like that. But whatever I stand facing, face it head-on.
Sore throat, head cold since yesterday. We start hunting. Coming here since 2008, but never seen the group so low. Everyone’s getting older, I guess. Two does. A mother and child? The back leg of the mother gone. While skinning her, milk runs out of her nipples.
Day 2, clear weather. Sunshine feels warm. One male… a young buck. We talk about March 11th in the truck on the way to the hunting ground. You can feel the difference between those that had people washed away, and those that didn’t. A deer appears 15 or 20 yards away from the beater, but the shooter misses. Everyone feels a little disappointed. I think my head cold might be getting a little better.
From the notebooks of Masaru Tatsuki.
田附勝 その血はまだ赤いのか 2011.11.19-20 展覧会図録
仕様:H300×W300mm /カラー、16 ページ、発行部数300部